Case Study
Streamlining Pricing and Enhancing Client Confidence with SCOPE Better at XenoPsi Ventures
The Client
XenoPsi Ventures has been operating as a brand incubator for over twenty-five years providing financial, marketing and intellectual property support to a growing portfolio of companies. Method1, Function Growth and Z/Axis Strategies provide professional services to their clients throughout the United States.
Founder and President MichaelAaron Flicker uncovered a critical issue that needed addressing to improve the pricing process and boost team confidence in estimating and quoting for services.

The Challenge
XenoPsi Ventures partnered with Tim Williams at Ignition Group to overcome the challenge presented by the lack of a standardized pricing approach accessible to all teams.
The heavy reliance on President MichaelAaron for pricing insights and project valuation produced operational bottlenecks impeding scalability and proactivity in decision-making.
The Need for Change: Prior to adopting SCOPE Better, XenoPsi Ventures utilized Excel spreadsheets for pricing, leaning heavily on both the Finance Department and the company President for their review and approval for each estimate produced. This challenge was met and overcome with the introduction of SCOPE Better – a systematic and transparent system, allowing team members to propose prices confidently, and ultimately optimize scalability.
The Outcome:
The positive impact of SCOPE Better
Empowered Team Ownership
SCOPE Better empowered XenoPsi Ventures’ team by reducing their dependency on the key management roles in scoping and pricing. They gained the ability to propose client scopes more autonomously, leading to increased confidence and ultimately, greater client satisfaction.
Efficient Resource Allocation
SCOPE Better helped the XenoPsi Ventures team gain a better understanding of the essential components and dependencies of the services that they sell while ensuring a more comprehensive and accurate proposal. SCOPE Better supports transparency among team members and creates increased credibility with clients.
Highly Accessible and User-Friendly
Beyond enhancing the scoping process, SCOPE Better integrated quickly into XenoPsi Ventures’ business ecosystem, proving both user-friendly and intuitive access for the team, enhancing data tracking and boosting operational efficiency.
SCOPE Better has transformed XenoPsi Ventures’ pricing process by increasing the opportunity for the Method1 team to be able to scope autonomously using standardized pricing for the services they provide.
The increased ownership of the scoping process, coupled with pricing consistency and confidence delivered through a user-friendly highly accessible tool has allowed the Finance Team and President to be more focus on the growth of the organization of as a whole.
The use of SCOPE Better has resulted in a more confident team when it comes to pricing and supported operational efficiencies. By embracing SCOPE Better, XenoPsi Ventures has achieved a more scalable, responsive, and effective approach to pricing management and client engagement.