Release Notes | September 2024

Over the past month, following the major summer releases of Scope by Role, Scope by Timeline, and our integration, we’ve focused on enhancing existing features. 

Below, we’ve outlined the most important improvements.

Approvals workflow: The comments marker now appears at the top level of scope. 

Data: We’ve fixed a bug that was causing issues with the display of certain data in the library. 

Folders: We have increased the character count on the components description limit and fixed a bug that was affecting the movement of a scope to a folder

Output Editor: We’ve made several changes to the Output Editor. We’ve added in the option to insert page breaks between content sections for Word output. Scope custom fields can be now be added to the output templates and we’ve made improvements to the custom document template uploader.

Scope by Role: We’ve added a scroll bar to the role list and we have introduced  the ability to add multiple roles from rate card to a task.

Scope by Timeline: We’ve amended the UI so that the order of components and the timeline view match.

Scope Details Page: We’ve fixed a bug that was causing issues with displaying the total amount and discounts.

UX Improvements: We’ve made changes to both permissions and to the Password Reset functionality making them easier to navigate.

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